Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This is my interview by Elizabeth. She had been interviewed on her blog by two people so I get to be interviewed by her!
OK here we go,

1) Where is your dream travel destination?
I'm gunna have to say either a nice long trip to many countries in Europe or some nice Caribbean destination like Jamaica or St. Lucia
2) What would your dream job be?
Something that involved traveling and planning things
3) If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
I'd have to say I'd be Red Panda cuz they are so flipping cool!
4) Where would you want to move, if you were to leave Kamloops?
Well I am thinking that if I moved in the near future I'd be going to Surrey or somewhere else in Vancouver for work or more schooling...
5) What is your biggest fear?
I'm afraid of needles and spiders but right now my biggest fear is that I am not going to find a career that I love or even just like and I'm also recently afraid that I will not be very good and doing the various things that I'm interested in... I know that I'm a very smart person so I shouldn't worry but I am entering a whole new aspect of my life and this new semi-independence is showing me just how challenging and exciting it will be to be "on my own" out of my parents house.

Thanks Liz for the great questions! They really made me think. If anyone else wants to interview me here on my blog then just email me with your 5 questions and I'll make sure to post it ASAP.

If you want to play along...
1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me” and some contact information.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


At 7:36 p.m., Blogger Elizabeth said...

I would say that I am mostly in denial of notbeing good at things that I am interested in... hehe

At 7:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been all over Europe, and believe me when I tell you that nobody goes wrong with a vacation in Jamaica!


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