Saturday, September 15, 2007

Back in my tree-planting days...

OK so MY tree-planting days aren't so far back... I planted Roselow Tree seeds though! I bought a tree kit from Chapters and I planted the seeds back on Monday night. I am hoping I can keep up with weekly or bi-weekly progress shots. So here is the main event and the "week 0" shot.
I am saving the planet!
Here the seeds are waiting patiently while the soil moistens in the bag...
In goes the dirt!
It's crazy how something as HUGE as a tree grows up from something so small...
So here is my little potted tree!
Oh and this is "Week 0". In a few weeks I will show some comparison shots...


At 11:49 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarra i must say your eyes look amazing in your tree planting photo... aww soo cute and soo bright blue.. lol.. i miss you!!!

- Vanna


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