Saturday, September 15, 2007

Back in my tree-planting days...

OK so MY tree-planting days aren't so far back... I planted Roselow Tree seeds though! I bought a tree kit from Chapters and I planted the seeds back on Monday night. I am hoping I can keep up with weekly or bi-weekly progress shots. So here is the main event and the "week 0" shot.
I am saving the planet!
Here the seeds are waiting patiently while the soil moistens in the bag...
In goes the dirt!
It's crazy how something as HUGE as a tree grows up from something so small...
So here is my little potted tree!
Oh and this is "Week 0". In a few weeks I will show some comparison shots...

Friday, September 07, 2007

Greece is not the word...

Yesterday I had the chance to meet the girl from Trinity that is on exchange to TRU. Her name is Nona and she's from Bulgaria. I went for coffee with her after our classes and we talked about Trinity and Greece and our conclusion was I shouldn't go to Greece. She really didn't like the school there and was very frustrated with the Greek ways so I was happy to hear her perspective. I also met her boyfriend Gunter from Iceland. He's from Trinity as well, and also disliked it.

So my new choice is likely to be Bournemouth in England.

More later.....

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Day Back!

Today was my first day back to school and I loved it!

I learned about two really cool opportunities available to me through TRU.

First is a one month trip to Australia or New Zealand. This involves two weeks of volunteer work in either community development or conservation, and two weeks of traveling the country learning about the different ecosystems and cultures. HOW COOL is that?

Second requires some background knowledge... A while back I posted about going to Japan, and although I haven't given up on going there altogether, I am not going to study there. Simply because in my Tourism program I don't have a lot of room for courses that don't meet the required courses and the Japanese universities affiliated with TRU as of yet don't offer Tourism. SO I have been looking into places I CAN go and I found the most fabulous one ever! GREECE! The Island of Crete to be specific. This university (called Trinity) is a Tourism Management School built in and around a 5 star resort! The dorms are deluxe suites in the hotel and you are minutes from the beach! I am more that 110% stoked about this AND both my parents think it's a fabulous idea that will give me LOTS of opportunities later on in my Tourism career.

So I am hoping that tomorrow will be as great as today was!

Monday, September 03, 2007


So I was sitting in my room the other day, just recharging, and I picked up a journal of mine and started reading it. This was a special one that I started January 2006. The purpose of this journal is to pass on my thoughts and some things I have learned. In here I have verses, quotes, lyrics and poems; one particular quote I found was by Mark Twain.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by
the things that you didn't do than by the ones that you did
do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
I'm not really sure what makes this so special to me, but I do know that this is how I have tried to live in this last year. I made a few changes that weren't "safe" and they paid off. I know I can't be so lucky forever but I have been seeing a lot more lately that my path has already been carved for me. Even though it may not look easy, or even smart, sometimes it is best to just let God push you like a leaf in the wind and know that you will get to the right destination at the right time.