Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I have recently been bribed into joining Facebook and Myspace... First it was Myspace because my friends made spaces and the only way you can view them is if you are also a member... Then Facebook because my dear friend Karly is in England for YWAM and she can share all of her sweet pictures with all of her friends back in Canada through Facebook.
Now I have also found a cool little feature! I imported my blog onto Facebook! So now all my facebook friends can see my blog and read it on there or link to here from there! Cool hey? I thought so. And Facebook updates everytime I post on here! I am superexcited about this one! Anyways... I should be in bed so ciao!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Random pictures...

Alrighty, well I was looking at pictures that are on my laptop and I thought I would share some with you!
This is my grad dress for all who've never seen it... I'll try and find a pic of Devon and I at grad together.
This one is my Grandma McBurnie and me at my Grandpa's sursprise birthday party.
And this one is my Grandma Smeaton and me at her birthday party.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Touring the world...

OK I know I said I'd have pictures but..... I'm on my mom's NEW computer and it has no pictures at all.
I wanted to say that I found a sweet trip to Europe by Contiki Tours. I get to see 8 countries for a couple thousand and all my room and board is included! It's called the European Whirl Some exciting highlights are Venice, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Florence and the Swiss Alps! So I am now hoping that I get the job at the city so I can pay for this trip... I mean it's not super expensive but I need to pay for school also.
Oh and I found a flight to Mexico and I am hopefully booking tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Life Plans

OK well first thanks to those who did leave me a nice little comment after I whined.
So a few weeks ago, Devon and I were thinking of moving to Calgary. Now this isn't happening anymore, but I might still go. The only way I would be going is if I got accepted to SAIT which is the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. This is Calgary's version of BCIT. Now the X-ray Tech program there is only 2 years and at BCIT it has been changed to 4. However, I don't really think I have a fantastic chance of getting accepted so I will more than likely be starting a Tourism diploma in September.
Also I decided that this is my year to experience life and try new things. I am in the process of booking a flight to Mexico (I know you are excited Becky!) for March and I am hoping to take a Contiki Tour of Western Europe in the summer before school. I am going to work super hard in school in September (I know everyone says that...) so that I have a chance to do an exchange in the following fall. I am also just going to do fun things for myself like have a movie night with the girls and play games with my family, maybe take an art class (not for credit at TRU...) or a different dance class and I for sure want to start taking more pictures! I just want to enjoy being young while I still have the chance.
So my goal is to have pictures in my next post. I haven't had any real pictures in a while so I'm gunna try hard for that...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

My Plea!

This is a plea to any and every person who reads this. I would love to know that someone is actually reading my blog. PLEASE leave a comment! The last time I received a comment was Nov. 21 2006. There are various ways to post a comment.
First of all, if you yourself have a blogger account simply choose this option

and when you post it will tell me your name that you use on blogger. And if you don't have a blogger account, you can just choose this option:

If you choose this option I would really like it if you just wrote your name under your comment like so...

Thanks everyone who reads this and I hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It starts...

My Physics 12 course came in the mail yesterday. I just opened it today and wow there is a lot of stuff in that box! I got a textbook and 9 videos and some workbook thing and envelopes and papers and forms... I am hoping to have it done in time to write my exam in March... It may be wishful thinking but I think I'm up to the challenge.
Before when I said I had left sciences, I think that I was just bored and frustrated with courses that I felt were irrelevant. In a specialized program like Radiography I will have direction and an end goal in sight at all times. I won't be taking random courses that don't apply to my actual field of study. Plus it's only 2 years and then I've got a great job!
So wish me luck with the whole Physics thing because I wasn't great at Math and Physics in grade 12 or first year at TRU...

Monday, January 15, 2007

All better!

So last week's mishap is all resolved. I can walk! I was back to work on Saturday but I was still wearing an ankle brace. I didn't wear it yesterday and so now I am back to normal.
I have also decided to re-kindle the idea of sciences again... I am taking a correspondence physics course through TRU-OL (Thompson Rivers University - Open Learning). It is just a physics 12 course, since I never had the time or opportunity to take it in high school. I'm waiting for it to come in the mail. This will open the door to possibly doing the X-ray Tech course... But we will have to wait and see!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back to School blues...

Well yesterday was my first day back to school. I didn't really enjoy it much because I was running on 4 hours of sleep. The reason is I was in some rather intense pain the night before. As some of you know I have a mystery injury to my foot and Monday night it was quite painful. So I finally gave into my hurting at 6:30am and got out of bed in search of something to dull it. I ended up taking 4 extra strength rapid release Tylenol and sat on the couch with some ice. I saw the doctor again and she didn't know what to make of me since she hadn't received my X-rays yet. So my morning was totally unproductive and I still had class. Luckily I was on the bottom floor of the A&E building at school because it is once of the only building on campus that doesn't have an elevator. The five stairs up to the door from the parking lot were hard enough let alone a couple flights of stairs. Oh the reason this was hard is because I was reduced to crutches since I couldn't handle any weight in my foot. Today it is betterish since I can hobble again and no crutches! Hopefully by next week I'm back to normal...