Monday, November 27, 2006

Longest Drive Ever!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of driving to Vancouver for shopping. When I say "I", I really mean it. I was the driver for our family trip. The reason for this is, my dad was taking a course in Vancouver for the week so we left him there, and my mom can't drive a long distance because she falls asleep while driving. So I drove down in the terrible snowy, icy weather on Friday morning. We left at 7am and arrived in Surrey at 12pm. FIVE HOURS! That's a long time to be in a car going to Surrey. So we shopped at Guilford Mall, Metrotown and Ikea; we saw friends and family like, Amy, Samantha and Vanna (plus some of my parents friends and the families who belong to Sam and Vanna), and we had a merry time as a family. Friday night I even got to see the new James Bond movie: Casino Royal. It was amazing! Not really like other Bond movies but a good movie in it's self. So we left at 12pm, into the awful road conditions, after eating brunch with Vanna and Uncle Butch and seeing there new house-in-progress. We made it to Hope by 3pm and then to Merritt by 6pm. We got 7Km outside of Merritt and had to turn around and go back because the Coq. was closed between Kamloops and Merritt. So we decided to pop in and see my Aunt Sue and visited for a while but we were itching to get home so we checked for alternative routes. We decided on the Old Merritt Highway. So after 2 more hours of snowy driving we made it home after 10 hours of travelling! Quite the eventful weekend and I now consider myself to be a pro winter driver.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

50th POST!

Well I have finally hit the big 5-0 blogger milestone.
Some new stuff with me--- I have only 3 days left of class for this semester. I no longer know what I am doing with school. I am just finally coming to terms with that fact as well. Before I was all freaked out because I didn't have a plan anymore, but now I'm kinda alright with it. I am still checking things out and figuring out what I'm even interested in. There are 25 more sleeps until I turn 19! I thought I was going to be spending the weekend at Sun Peaks with my friends but my mom pointed out that my whole family would be left out if I did that, so plans are still under construction.
Some new stuff with Devon--- He is planning to go to school to be a Youth Pastor. He is nearly finished his shift leading workbook so his real training will hopefully start before Christmas. Devon just bought the new Nintendo Wii!!! It is super cool! We waited in line for 7 hours Sunday morning and got it at about 8:10am! We were super tired after that, but we made some cool new friends.
So some things have changed with us since our first few entries but not a lot. Stay tuned for more fun facts such as maybe a 100 list! (inspired by Elizabeth)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Celtic Christmas 2006

Well it's that time again! Celtic Christmas 2006. This is my Christmas dance show. It's like a mini show to let everyone see some of the stuff we are doing. This year the show is at Sagebrush. Usually the Christmas show is at Forester's Convention Center but theY built a set on their stage so we had to find a new venue. Since we are at Sagebrush, there is only one show this year (6:30pm Monday Dec. 11), the tickets are being sold by Kamloops Live Boxoffice (374-5483) , and they are $9 for adults and $7 for children, students, and seniors. All are welcome to come but if you can't make it don't worry there is another show in May and that's the BIG one! I have four dances is this show but only one of these will be in the year end show. (One of them is a U2 song!)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

November Updates

Well here it goes...
Right now I am coming to the end of my fall semester of school. I have 2 weeks left only! I am definately starting to feel the pressure of finals with 2 photo projects and 3 papers due before Dec. 1st!
I am also starting to aquire all my pre-requisites for my study abroad semester. I will, hopefully next week, be meeting with some students that have been to the school I am going to . I also have to speak with the B.A. advisor to make sure I get credit for the all of the courses I am taking there.
I have started a new job on top of my job at the YMCA. I started at Valleyview Video Mart last weekend. I'm only going to do about 2 shifts a week but that little extra money will help me save for Japan. Now I too can rent free movies and get movies a week before the general public.
I am an official BC driver now with my new Class 5 licience. I got it about 2 weeks ago now and my new licence came a few days ago in the mail. I no longer need my N so I can drive all of my family's vehicles now without worrying about grabbing the 'N' from my car and switching it around. I am pretty sure I have beat Kristin now... Oh well, we still love you, even if you can't drive.(hehehe)
Anyways my throat is really soar so I think I need to get some extra sleep to get rid of my sniffles and scratchy throat so good night all!

Friday, November 10, 2006

A Small Glimps of My New Room

Here are the first and few pictures of my new room. I will hopefully find some time to take more soon. Anyways, I am happily living and sleeping in my house and room now and almost every box in our house is unpacked I believe. There are still a few finishing touches to be done such as our stairs and some window trim but otherwise it is beautiful.

Fall Tree

I don't have much to say about this tree

except that it's really pretty in this picture and it's sad because now the tree has no leaves at all when I walk past it after work each day. I really like fall but I am pretty stoked to see how pictures turn out in black and white when it snows!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Christmas is Coming!

Well for most, Christmas is still too far away to be thinking about, but for me it is already near the top of my to do list because we have to make our gifts again. I decided that this year I don't want to be still making gifts at 4:30 on Christmas Eve so Devon and I started early. We are not really done anyone's but Justin's but we have a good start on almost everyone's gift already! Yay us! Anyways... Devon and I are going on a date tonight so I best do my hair (it's still in a towel from my shower).

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Don't worry it won't be until nxt year, but I am going to be spending one semester in Tokyo, Japan at a school called Bunkyo Gaikin. I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would start with the good stuff. Also I am doing pretty sweet in my classes at school. I can't really think of much else to say because I forgot what I was gunna say so I'll think and post again later.