Saturday, September 23, 2006

Moving up

Devon has just started his training for shift leader at Blockbuster! He will be getting more hours and a raise. Yay!! That raise will really help him save up for school in September, maybe even January. Anyways I just wanted to spread the sweet news but I've got to run...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Racing Thoughts...

For the past couple of nights I have been struggling with my lack of direction. I know God has a plan for me and that should be good enough but I suck at waiting. I just want to know what to do, where to start, what to pursue. I used to think that science and health care were my passion and though they still interest me, I really enjoy learning languages. It is so exciting to be able to speak and recognize a new language. Just thinking about how much more connected to others I am energizes me. I wish I could have some understanding of how I can fit my two interests together. Ok I guess I'm done whinning for tonight.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Well it's been a while since I last posted so it's time for an update...
I am IN Japanese 111 now! I was on the waitlist before but I'm 100% registered now. I realy enjoy it and I even get to learn to write in Hiragana and Katakana. If you ask me I'll write some stuff for you (like sushi)!!!! I am also really enjoying my photo class. Today we learned how to develope our own film, but we didn't get to try it because we ran out of time. My English class is going we and my instructor seems to be pretty cool. My first sign was her email telling everyone that we don't have to buy any textbooks. Also our first assignment is a MOVIE review, not a book, a movie... Sweet! So aside from school, I will be starting to lead the youth group at Sahali Fellowship once again. I also have like a million swimming classes that I have to teach at the Y... Lamezors! I also am trying to create a Japanese design for my room in my NEW house. I'll get pics of it to show you an update of it. My house is sold for all who didn't know. We can live in it until Oct. 31st so hopefully my house will be done by then. Ok well sorry everything was so scattered and random but enjoy!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly...

Wow! It's been soooo long if seems like. Anyways, lots has happened. I am now all finished all of my lifeguarding courses and I have a job at the YMCA right now. I have also been promoted at Pizza Hut to a shift manager, so that's a nice raise as well as more hours. Between the 2 I'm working full time. I am taking 3 classes at TRU but I'm still not 100% sure I've got my sched. All figured out. I'm trying to get into Japanese so I think I'm dropping COMP 100 for that but I don't know. So most of this stuff is either the good or the ugly. For the most part the ugly is just my schedule of the 2 jobs and school and trying to fit free time in.
The bad however is that my uncle that some of you have been praying for, Eddie, is not getting better. For those that don't know he has cancer. At this point he is inoperable and incurable but they are carrying on with radiation and hoping that will work. Pretty much they said only a miracle will cure him. Thankfully I KNOW God can work this miracle in my family's life and I KNOW he can heal my uncle. My family really needs to see a miracle to open their eyes to God's power so I hope that you will all keep me and my family in your prayers. Especially my Aunt Wendy (wife), cousin Tylar (daughter), and my Grandparents Dave and Sandra as this is hardest on them.
Thanks everyone for all of the prayers you have already prayed and for all future prayers for us!