Friday, March 31, 2006

Some sweet info...

Well I thought I would post this rather than send it to everyone, that way you don't have to read it if ya don't want.

1. What time did you get up this morning? A little before 8
2 .Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds (are a girls best friend!)
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Wow that was a long time ago!
4. What is your favourite TV show? Friends, Gilmore Girls, Smallville
5. What did you have for breakfast? chocolate milk and a cheese scone from old main.
6. What is your middle name? Lynn
7. What is your favourite cuisine? Probably Italian
8. What foods do you dislike? quite a few… such as mushrooms, onions, peppers, sea food and tomatoes
9. Your favourite Potato chip? Salt and Vinegar
10. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Uhhhh.. Well Dixie Chicks is what is in my car CD player at the moment
11. What kind of car do you drive? 96 Suzuki Swift
12. Favourite sandwich? Subway ones..
13. What characteristics do you despise? Irritating ones???
14. Favourite item of clothing? Black shirts
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Caribbean
16. What color is your bathroom? Sail Cloth hahaha it’s a lightish brownish
17. Favourite brand of clothing? American Eagle18. Where would you want to retire? retire? I dunno yet...
19. Favourite time of day? When Im not in school
20. Where were you born? New Westminster, BC
21. Favourite sport to watch? soccer or volleyball, but only if they are good at it
22. What laundry scent do you use? my mom still does my laundry..
23. Coke or Pepsi? Whatever is there
24. Are you a morning person or night owl? night owlish.. more night then morning
25. What size shoe do you wear? umm... 7 1/2 - 8
26. Do you have pets? Yup 4 sweet Neon Tetras, 2 Chinese suckers, 4 Head and Tail Light Tetras, a Gold Inca snail and 2 Bronze Corrys
27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? 3 weeks left til I’m done school!
28. What did you want to be when you were little? Doctor
29. Favourite Candy Bar? Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups!
30. What is your best childhood memory? I have too many haha
31. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Wendy’s, Dominos Pizza Delivery Girl, Pizza Hut Server
32. What colour socks are you wearing? Purple, Green, Blue and White stripes!
33. Nicknames: Sarra Bell, Capybara, Bo (not B.O.), lotsa other randoms too
34. Piercings? 2X ears
35. Eye colour? Blueish-greenish
36. Ever been to Africa? No
37. Ever been toilet papering? No
38. Love someone so much it made you cry? Well kinda...
39. Been in a car accident? yup
40. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits because I HATE croutons, I mean really, why put little crunchy dried bread in a salad???
41.Favourite day of the week? Friday
42. Favourite restaurant? BP, Olive Garden!
43. Favourite flower? Orchid, or Calla-lily or just normal lilies too
44. Favourite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
45. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney
46. Favourite fast food restaurant? Wendy’s
47. What colour is your bedroom carpet? It’s linoleum and it’s kinda weird earthy colors
48. How many times did you fail your driver's test? none
49. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email? Delta Sigma Pi
50. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? AE or Smart Set
51. What do you do most often when you are bored? Now I read blogs lol
52. Bedtime? When ever I want because I’m an Adult hahaha!
53. Last person you went to dinner with? Devon and Franny! We had a special bonding time at McDonald’s!
54. What are you listening to right now? Something about magic sand
55. What is your favourite colour? Green right now
56. Lake, Ocean or river? Ocean, but I like all of those
57. How many tattoos do you have? None... yet
58. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken, God created the animals (chicken) and then they multiplied (egg). Therefore, chicken first, egg second!

Sorry if you hate those but I got bored and filed one out...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Good Movie!

Hello everyone,
For anyone who has not yet seen Memoirs of a Geisha (released Tuesday), you really should. It is such a powerful movie. I linked the blockbuster page that tells about it. Devon rented it from there (two days before it was availible to rent!) and we watched it with Justin and Liz. They liked it too. Anyways, in my opinion, you should see it!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Bit About Us...

Since this is post number 10, I thought it would be good to tell you some more about us. (Even though most people already know this.) So Devon and I have been dating for about a year and eight months.

I am nearly finished my first year of university (12 classes left!) and Devon will be starting school next September. I am in the Batchelor of Science Degree and Co-op and Devon will be starting a Diploma in Digital Art & Design. I hope to one day be a Sports Physitherapist and Devon is pursuing video game designing. Devon and I are the Youth Directors at Sahali Fellowship and we are planning a 30 Hour Famine at the moment. Right now I am also helping coach the Senior Girl's soccer team at KCS.(Last year I was the Captain.) Devon just got a job at Blockbuster (as you have seen) and I work at Pizza Hut (for now). Apart from all of that, I don't know what else anyone would want to know. Anyway, now you know us (maybe just a bit better if you already knew us) and I have to get ready to go to Dance...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Thanks Liz!

Hello all,
OK so I fixed the I&K link so it should work now. Liz was the one who helped me put them on there in the first place (and let me know one wasn't working). I think they are pretty sweet and I hope to add some more as soon as more people that I know start blogs.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Job?.... YES!

Hello all,
Yes! Devon got the job at Blockbuster! After 3 interviews he dazzled the managers and he starts tomorrow! So with a job at Blockbluster comes..... 10 FREE RENTAL per WEEK! Sweet hey? That will definately come in handy for our 30 Hour Famine Party in a few weeks. Anyways... I just thought that I would let you all know. Better do some homework now... (only 3 weeks left!!!)


Hello everyone.
So, as promised, an update on Devon's interview status. After Friday's interview, a few hours later, he received yet another interview appointment. This is interview #3 and HOPEFULLY the last (hiring) interview. It is Saturday (today kinda since it's uber late) at 12 noon. I will make sure either he or I posts to say if he got it or not. Well better get to bed...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fire Fighter for a Night

He he he look at me (being Devon) IM BLOGGING! WOOT! Well I have a fun stroy to tell, so I shall tell it.
It was like any ordinary night, dark, cold and calm. I was at Justin and Liz's house when there was the phone call.... Ring!..... Ring!.... "Hello?", Justin said. "Hi", replied the voice. I sat there, "who could it be?", I wondered. After listening in on the conversation, I soon found out it was my mother, calling a beloved son to come to the rescue and pick her up from work. I ran to the Vue, leaving Sarra behind, I sped to my mom's work passing cars and dodging people, trucks and even lamp posts. When I finally arrived, I got out, grabbed everything she was carrying, and grabbed her and carried everything to the Vue. I got in the driver's seat and delivered her home. I went in for a quick second, just to make sure there was no trouble, and it was a good thing I did! As we looked outside at the backyard, we discovered our fence was in a blazing uncontrollable human consuming fire! I quickly made sure my mother was safe from harm and then ran to the garage to grab the hose and a flashlight. I hooked up the hose and turned on the water only to find the hose was too short! I quickly grabbed another hose that was about 6 feet long and connected the two and began diminishing the blazing fire inch by inch, until I could finally reach the source. I soon found out that the fire was cause by a flaming log that had rolled from a burning pile, that was used to defeat the evil pine beetles, but the beetles obviously needed to fight back. Even though the beetles did a lot of damage, they did not win the battle, all thanks to the one they call Devon.
This story my be twisted a little. But there really was a fire in my backyard due to the burning, beetle-infested log, and I realy did put it out. These are some pictures that fit my story:

---- Devon

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Job... Possibly?

OK so Devon has a second interview on Friday! So the job is still up in the air but he's beat out 14 other people so far and there are 6 left including him and there are 4 positions! We'll tell you more on Friday after the second interview.

Job?.... Maybe

Hello all. Today Devon went for a job interview (YAY!!) at Blockbuster. His interview was like 2 hours long and he's waiting patiently at home for the phone call telling him if he got it. I sure hope he does! Anyway... I'll update you later on the job once we know if he got it.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mondays Suck...

I have decided that my least favourite day of school is Monday. Not because it is back to school but because I am here from 9:30-5:30! I am soo bored and I am so glad that I only have 3 more boring Mondays to go after today (if it ever ends!)
I am done classes on Thursday April 13 and I will be finished my exams on Monday April 24!! Anyway I have another class to go to...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The second...... FINALLY!

Hey all you blog readers! I am now officially ready to lose my life to the blog world by regularly cheking and making updates. This is just a short one because I don't have much to say... Only that the movie Howl's Moving Castle is super wicked!!! You should all watch it! J and L have it and I watched it there with the ladies from church. Anyway... I will be back later to fill you in on the Adventures of D and S!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Blog # 1!!!

Hello all, I have finally caved and I started a blog. I'm gunna try and get Devon to blog too but i dunno. Since this is my first entry I will start with something exciting... my reading break trip to Ontario. Here are some pics !

So I arived there Sunday night Feb. 19th and the next morning we, Kim and I, got up and left for Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-lake. It was beautiful there but really cold. Tuesday we went to Newmarket and shopped for a while at Upper Canada ( a big mall there).

Wednesday we went to downtown Toronto by subway and we went from the CN tower to MuchMusic to Nathan Phillips Square and Eaton Center to Young street and all the way to Chinatown on Spidina. We walked sooo far, I was falling asleep on the subway ride home.

Thursday we went back to Newmarket and returned some stuff and bought other stuff also we played in the snow when we got home cuz there is soo much there.

Friday we just went to Orangeville and did some running around and also we played two wicked games of Sorry. Saturday, my last day, we just chilled at her house in Grand Valley which is kinda the Pritchard of Orangeville. We played board games such as Settlers of Catan ( such a wicked game!), Sorry, Frustration and Yahtzee. We also rent Elizabethtown which is a very good movie ( not even really a chick flick) and I recomend it to all.

So Sunday I leave on Feb. 26th. I had a few hour lay over in Calgary and my cool uncle came and bought me lunch. I should visit him in Calgary soon... Anyway, I was home Sunday afternooon and I was glad to be home. I had a blast in Ontario, and I would definately go back to visit my dear friend Kim.

PS Thanks Liz for helping me format this!!!!